Browse Items (18 total)

  • Tags: Maps

Image of the residence of Alonzo Campbell, Esq. WU from 1858 map of Urbana and West Urbana by Alexander Bowman.

Image of the Pratt & Brothers buildings from 1858 map of Urbana and West Urbana by Alexander Bowman.

13_Neal Street Closeup.png
Close-up of Neal Street as spelled on the 1858 Urbana-West-Urbana Map.

19_Angles Block_Bowman Map.JPG
Illustration of Angle’s Block from the 1858 Bowman Map.

20_Bailey Buildings_Bowman Map.JPG
Illustration of the Bailey Building from the 1858 Bowman Map.

29_Doane House_Bowman Map (2).JPG
Illustration of the Doane House from the 1858 Bowman Map.

34_Commerical Buildings_Bowman Map_edit.JPG
Illustration of Commercial Buildings from the 1858 Bowman Map.

39_ME Church_Bowman Map_edit.JPG
Illustration of the Methodist Episcopal Church from the 1858 Bowman Map.

42_Parks Flour Mill_Bowman Map_edit.JPG
Illustration of Parks Flouring & Saw Mill from the 1858 Bowman Map.

45_Urbana Seminary_Bowman Map_edit.JPG
Illustration of Urbana Seminary from the 1858 Bowman Map.
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