The Flying Tomato Brothers


1979 Advertisement

flying tomato brothers.pdf

Joe Ream and Ralph Senn, 1981


Joe and Ralph at Garcia's, 1982

One of the most famous hot air balloons from Champaign County is The Flying Tomato, a balloon advertising Garcia's Pizza in a Pan restaurant. The balloon's story starts in 1974, when Joe Ream and Ralph Senn, owners of Garcia's Pizza in a Pan, noticed Tom Gabel flying around Champaign County. They quickly became interested in hot air balloons, as the pair saw the potential for advertising their pizza shop using hot air balloons.

Their 7-story "flying tomato" was the first specialty-shaped balloon licensed in the United States and made its debut over Memorial Stadium during the 1974 Homecoming Game. After the game, the brothers experienced record sales at all five Garcia's Pizza locations, including Rantoul.

Interestingly, The Flying Tomato Brothers' name came before their famous hot air balloon. They adopted the name three years prior by combining Ralph's high school nickname, Garcia Tomato, and a local band, The Flying Burrito Brothers.

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The Flying Tomato on the Quad for Homecoming, 1976

They learned to pilot the balloon from Tom Gabel. Joe had been a private pilot for a number of years, but it was a new experience for Ralph. In a December 12, 1974, interview with the Daily Illini, Senn described the riding experience as peaceful and serene. "Most people are pleased by it," Sean said, "they would rather look at this type of advertising than a billboard. It's a big, bouncy, happy thing." The pair claims it is one of their best advertising ventures. 


The Flying Tomato became an instant hit, although it was not without its detractors. In 1975, legislators called for more specific safety regulations governing ballooning because balloon flights caused such a public commotion. In response, Ralph held firm to their ballooning strategy and vocalized their love for their balloon. 


Joe and Ralph were very proud of their growing pizza business and their hot air balloon attraction. In advertisements and public outings, the "brothers" wore aviator uniforms with jackets, helmets, and goggles. They even gave presentations on hot-air ballooning at Parkland College in the mid-1970s. 


By the 1990s, Garcia's Pizza in a Pan had grown to 18 stores in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Texas. Senn said they didn't have the skills to expand the business further, as the brothers were better off at marketing and creating the product. As of November 2023, Garcia's has a Champaign location at 313 N Mattis Avenue and a Decatur location at 701 W Eldorado Street.


Garcia's Pizza in a Pan had multiple contests for customers to win a free ride in the Flying Tomato with bubbly champagne. Click through the carousel below to view some of The Flying Tomato's advertisements!

For more research, check out these sources:

"Garcia's Flying Tomato Brothers mark 50 years of pizza in a pan", from The News-Gazette at 

"History" by Garcia's Pizza in a Pan, at