Nathan and Abraham Stern
The Stern Brothers arrived in Champaign in 1861. Originally from Germany, the brothers came to the United States in 1854, landing in New York and making their way to Indianapolis and Farmer City before settling in Champaign. They established N. Stern and Brothers clothing store at 23 Main Street. Nathan Stern (1836-1923) never married and lived with his brother and sister-in-law at 711 West Church Street until his death. Abraham Stern (1838-1901) married Bebette Bloch Stern (1854-1932) in 1873 and had four children. The brothers were widely known in the community through their business and community service and Babette Stern was active in community life through Temple, social, and hospital affairs serving as honorary president of the Jewish Ladies Social Circle and on the board of Julia F. Burnham hospital for ten years.