Champaign County Weather
Champaign County Weather
Materials relating to various types of weather in Champaign County, Illinois.
The Champaign County Historical Archives at The Urbana Free Library
The Champaign County Historical Archives at The Urbana Free Library
"All images are provided for personal and educational use. Users planning to reproduce/publish images in books, articles, exhibits, videos, electronic transmission or other media must request permission by emailing”
Collection Items
Radar on the Illinois State Water Survey Building
The APS-15 radar located on top of the Illinois State Water Survey building at the University of Illinois – Willard Airport.
Path of the 2013 Tornado
November 17, 2013 tornado trail created by the National Weather Service in Lincoln, Illinois.
Aerial Photo of Gifford Destruction
Photograph by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency that shows the extent of the destruction in Gifford.
Aerial View of Ogden Destruction
An aerial view looking north shows extensive tornado damage in Ogden.
Damage to Cecil Hudson's Property
“Cecil Hudson, near Myra Station, is one of the many area residents whose farms and homes were damaged by storms last weekend.” Courier, March 6, 1961.
Damage at Ralph Newman Farm
“Heavy damage occurred on the Ralph Newman farm, two miles south of Cissna Park, in the tornado Saturday afternoon" Courier, March 6, 1961
Path of the April 1996 Tornado
April 19, 1996 tornado trail published in The News-Gazette, April 21, 1996
Installation of a Tornado Siren
"Danny Clay, left, United Sign and Awning Company, and Jim Berhoeven, Fisher Communications, Oakwood, both from Danville, installed a new tornado siren in Sidney Monday morning" The News-Gazette, March 30, 1998.
Hook Echo on Radar
As the storm passed a short distance north of the radar, an appendage became visible on the parent echo. Within a few moments, the echo appendage began to curl into a hook shape seen here.
Don Skaggs Observing Historic Radar Photographs
"Don Skaggs looks at the new display commemorating the first time a tornado was tracked by radar" The News-Gazette, August 30, 2001